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  • Writer's pictureShelagh Milligan

Marketing. It's a Marathon, not a Sprint

Well, it is to us.

There are plenty of companies who'll make promises like:

"Game changing social media posts"

"10 new, hot leads every week"

"Unlock 10x ROI with our game changing templates"

"Achieve viral success in just one week"

"Guaranteed press coverage for your business in just 48 hours"

"We will skyrocket your brand"

Our response to this sort of tosh is usually, "Will ye, aye?" **lip upturns**

In the age of instant gratification, the allure of overnight success is more potent than ever. Social media influencers, viral videos, and trending hashtags often create the illusion that marketing success can be achieved in a matter of days, if not hours. The reality is far different. Effective marketing is a marathon, not a sprint and understanding this can make the difference between fleeting fame and sustained success.

The Myth of Overnight Success

Ah yes, everyone's heard of the story of the brand or individual who seemingly appear out of nowhere and become sensations overnight. And while these stories are compelling, they often omit the years of hard work, strategic planning and countless failures that preceded the moment of recognition. For instance, the viral sensation of the Dollar Shave Club's launch video in 2012, which garnered millions of views in days, was the result of meticulous planning, a clear understanding of the target audience, and a strategic approach to content creation and distribution. Not forgetting a really good business model behind it all.

Marketing is a long-term investment that requires a strategic approach, a real understanding of the audience and a commitment to continuous improvement. If you're tempted by the idea of overnight success, please do not get in touch with us- we are definitely not the right company for you. But if you're more 'Marathon Mindset' when it comes to marketing then do throw us into your 'potential partner' list, for consideration.

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